Home Hardening Inspection Application Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.This is a FREE service to provide you with valuable information on how to better protect your home from fire. No judging! No hard selling! Just FREE valuable information. This project has been funded through a Community Resiliency and Preparedness Grant from the Community Foundation of Mendocino. First Name *Last Name *Street Number *Street Name *Street Type *DriveRoadStreetCircleTerracePlaceAvenueCourtUnit/AptCity *Zipcode *Phone *Email *Do you own this property? *YesNoOwner's First Name *Owner's Last Name *Street Number *Street Name *Street Type *DriveRoadStreetPlaceTerraceCourtCircleAvenueUnit/AptCity *State *Zipcode *Owner's Phone *Owner's EmailAre you a member of SafetyNet? *YesNoHave you signed up for Nixle alerts? *YesNoHave you signed up for MendoAlerts at the Sheriff's website? *YesNoAre you interested in being a Neighborhood Coordinator? *YesNoAre you interested in being a Scanner Scout on our Alert Team? *YesNoAre you interested in volunteering to help Sherwood Firewise? *Yes! Please contact me.NoSubmit