SFC general meetings = TBD. We also hold other events, and public education and trainings on other dates. Please check our calendar frequently to see what is happening. Contact info@sherwoodfirewise.org with any questions about meetings or events. Our current event calendar is as follows:
Next SFC ZOOM GENERAL MEETING – December 12, 2024 from 7 – 9 pm
- To join by Zoom
- Meeting ID: 856 2503 6304
- Password: 918795
- To join by phone
- Dial for audio only without internet or for audio while viewing meeting without computer mic/speaker (669) 900-6833
- Meeting ID: 856 2503 6304
- Password: 918795
Learn about what each individual, their household, neighborhood and community can do to prepare for emergencies, including evacuations. Updates will be provided on Sherwood Firewise vegetation management and emergency access routes improvement projects.
Neighbors working together to create a safer community