
Fire safety: MCSO reminds all residents of Mendocino County to use caution this weekend

With many people in Covelo and beyond anxiously watching how this weekend’s weather will affect the hard-fought containment of the nearby August Complex fire, Lt. Shannon Barney of the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office said there are many other things that are actually under human control that could create a new devastating fire.

Fire safety: MCSO reminds all residents of Mendocino County to use caution this weekend Read More »

How a ‘Hillbilly Brigade’ saved an Oregon town from raging wildfires

MOLALLA, Ore. (Reuters) – Nicole West steered her bulldozer through the smoldering forest, pushing logs into the underbrush and away from the wildfires ripping through Oregon’s Cascade Mountains. Her border collie, Oink, rode shotgun as West and a volunteer crew raced to clear a fire line. Behind West, on the front lines of the

How a ‘Hillbilly Brigade’ saved an Oregon town from raging wildfires Read More »

Sarah Reith of KZYX speaks with Scott Cratty and Mary Buckley about a grant to help income eligible people get free defensible space work done on their properties.

Scott Cratty of Mendocino Firesafe Council cites Sherwood Firewise several times for the work we did in helping to keep residents safe during the Oak Fire.

Sarah Reith of KZYX speaks with Scott Cratty and Mary Buckley about a grant to help income eligible people get free defensible space work done on their properties. Read More »