Resources Available to All Residents
- Request road maps from the Brooktrails District office or fire department.
- Register with Mendocino County Sheriff for reverse 911 and Nixle notifications of evacuations.
- Complete a SFC SafetyNet application for incident notices.
- Check with Brooktrails FD to see if equipment might be available to other subdivisions for fire safety projects.
- Contact and give PGE permission to aggressively remove brush and trees around wires on your property.
- Learn what grants and programs might be available to reduce the fuel load in your neighborhood.
- 2022 Defensible Space Assistance Program for Income-Eligible (DSAFIE) helps low-income seniors and persons with physical disabilities adhere to defensible space regulations, which are designed to protect homes and lives in wildfire-prone areas. If you are physically and financially unable to maintain the state-mandated 100’ of defensible space around your home, the DSAFIE program may provide FREE help. PLEASE CLICK HERE to apply or call MCFSC at 707-462-3662. Due to limited staffing, it may take a couple of weeks to receive confirmation of your application. (MCFSC)
Brooktrails Township Projects
- Use Mendocino County Firesafe Council funding to participate in Chipper Days to reduce the vegetation fuel on your property.
- Check with Brooktrails FD to learn more about what active fire prevention measures are currently being funded.
- Attend BTCSD Board Meetings to learn of recent grant applications or brush clearing support.
- Volunteer to work as a SFC Neighborhood Coordinator to create safer and more fire resilient neighborhoods and share resources and communication information.
- Offer to assist SFC in maintaining the SafetyNet for early incident warnings that may affect the Sherwood Corridor.
- Volunteer to work on the SFC scanner team. Even one shift per month is a help!
- Attend quarterly SFC meetings on the 2nd Saturday of January, April, July and October, at 1 PM, at the Brooktrails Community Center. See the calendar for logistics. Receive updates on resources, emergency access and other current projects.
- Help SFC identify problem lots and green belt area that have heavy vegetation growth
- Assist SFC in identifying possible assembly or safe zones for residents in case of an emergency.