Did you know that each hour of labor you or others spend home hardening your property equates to $28.54/hour of in-kind labor?
Any time or money you spend on your home and/or surrounding property for the purpose of reducing the probability of wildfire loss can be used to qualify for matching grants from Firewise USA®. Examples of activities that will qualify related to homes and outbuildings are: removing trees, brush, or grass from around your structures; cleaning gutters of pine needles and other debris; cleaning the roof and clearing anything flammable from within three feet of the base of the structure; removing tree limbs less than six-ten feet from the ground around structures; replacing a shake-shingle roof with a non-flammable alternative.
The following volunteer activities will also qualify for Firewise USA® matching funds: attending SFC Board meetings, SFC general meetings, SFC community events; and family preparations for wildfire.
Log your home hardening activities and/or costs in the form below: